Sunday 10 June 2012

How to Clean your Diamonds

Through our day to day movements our

diamonds get smudged and soiled. Even

when we are not wearing them, they collect

dust. Lotions, soaps, our natural skin oils,

can cause film and grime on diamonds

and inhibit their brilliance.

Want to keep that Brilliance and Shine?

Diamonds require cleaning so that maximum

amounts of light can refract fiery brilliance.

Remember that all it takes is a few minutes

and a little care to keep that diamond as fiery

as the day you first saw it.

You can use an small soft brush such as an

eyebrow or lip stick brush and soap and

water to clean your jewelry. Simply make a

bowl of warm sudsy water with a mild

detergent and place your pieces in the

mixture. Then brush the diamonds with the

soft bristles of the brush while they are in

the suds. You will need to make certain that

you rinse them clear of the suds after

cleaning them. You can use a small kitchen

strainer such as a tea strainer to contain

them while rinsing under warm water. Use

a lint free cloth, or a jewelry polish cloth to

pat them dry.

If your diamonds are in need of a stronger

cleansing, you may want to soak them for 30

minutes in a solution of half and half water and

ammonia. Once they have soaked for 30

minutes, remove them and gently brush the

mountings with a small brush. Then replace

the pieces to the solution and swish them

around in the mixture before removing them

to rinse and pat dry.

If you find your self too busy to be mixing

soaps and ammonias, many department

stores sell liquid jewelry cleaners. Most are

kits, with everything you need included. You

need to read the labels to determine the one

that is right for your diamonds and other

jewelry. Read the complete directions and

follow all the precautions.

And if you find yourself more the

“high-tech type”, even in your diamond

cleaning routine, there are multiple ultrasonic

cleansers on the market. These machines

use high-frequency to create a cleaning motion.

All machines are not the same, so please read

the instructions before using.

Only you can choose the cleaning method

right for you. But, it is essential to keep

your jewelry clean to keep it brilliant and

sparkling. Between cleaning, try not to touch

your clean diamonds with your fingers or

handle your jewelry by its edges. This will

help maintain its shine and brilliance for

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